6 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Life

Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Provider (Physician, Counselor, Psychologist, etc.). I have zero Medical background. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional services. I am simply speaking from personal life experiences to inspire others. I cannot treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition.

Do you ever feel like there is more to life than what you’re living?

Do you constantly feel beaten down? Tired and unmotivated?

I know I do! Or at least did…

I had always felt this hole in my heart, like I wasn’t living my life to its full purpose. I kept being drawn towards helping people but feared leaving my secure job. That secure job was good to me though, I was able to pay my bills, go on vacation and increase my savings. But I was still left feeling empty inside, lack of motivation, and loss of creativity.

I finally had that moment of clarity. I had that push I’ve been waiting for! I made the ultimate scary decision to quit my job, not really having a backup plan! (Do not recommend for everyone)

Here I am now, getting my mental and physical health back on track, writing this post, so that I may be able to help at least one person out there!


6 Signs It’s Time for a Lifestyle Change

1.    Tired All the Time

It doesn’t matter how much sleep you’ve gotten; you just can’t get up in the mornings or fall asleep at night. You’re exhausted throughout the day and catch yourself saying, “I can’t wait to go lay down,” knowing that its not going to happen.


This is your mind and your body telling you it’s time for a change! You must listen to it.


2.    No Ambition

Nothing seems fun anymore. Maybe after you get home from work, you have all these things to do, but choose not to do them? You know that you would like to paint, write, read, or even clean your home, but you just don’t have it in you.


Get that sparkle back in your life.


You can feel that ambition again, whatever it is you want to do!


3.    Feeling Stuck

Do you feel every day is the same, like you’re on a hamster wheel? Do you catch yourself saying, “Same sh*t, different day,” more times than not. You can feel it in your chest and all you want to do is scream out loud?!


And with feelings of being stuck, we more than likely also have…


4.    Anxiety/ Depression

Feeling like life is pointless? Where beauty and life used to thrive, is now only feelings of emptiness, darkness and maybe even hatred? Your chest is pounding so hard you think you’re going to die?


This was my biggest sign that I needed a change, I couldn’t keep living this way. I wanted to believe that life was beautiful, that I could feel warmth in my heart again. Change NEEDED to happen.


5.    Feel it Deep Down

You can feel it, in your gut, and every bone in your body. You know that there is something better out there for you. That the life you were supposed to live, your reason, is a grasp away. But how do you reach it? You take that scary leap of faith, MAKE. THAT. CHANGE.


6.    Stopped Doing What You Love

Maybe you loved gardening, drawing, hiking, or even cooking? Now your hobbies just seem like chores, and when you think of doing these things, sadness and exhaustion sets in. Maybe you feel like there’s no time for these hobbies? Or you just physically can’t do it.  


Change can be scary, especially when you have no idea what you’re going to do next, and we all know that fear can make us do stupid things! Like staying in this un-fulfilling life that we are living. Or we can make that scary decision and say




You are going to live a life full of beauty and ambition.

Are You Ready?


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